Sponsorship-cum-AdvertisementWe now plan to bring out four publications summarising largely our own research findings which form the back-bone of the respective technology softwares outlined elsewhere.
In each report, the relevant theory is briefly explained followed by clear-cut calculation procedures for simulation and design, and finally illustrated with worked-out examples including industrial case studies, wherever possible. Plant engineers, design engineers, quality control managers, technical and R&D personnel should find these methods extremely useful for not just a better understanding of the subject but in effecting actual plant improvements and optimisation as well. The reports will be specifically useful in the following ways:
We seek sponsorship of publication of the above reports @USD 10,000 (US Dollars Ten Thousand only) per report which will entitle you to the following:
In case you are interested, please remit your payment in favour of Particle Technology Consultants, Current A/c No. 325, Punjab National Bank, East of Kailash Branch, New Delhi, India by Bank Transfer or Demand Draft at the earliest. This offer is valid till 30th September 2007. |
: Dr. K. Viswanathan, B-113/2 East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065,
INDIA. Ph : 91 11 26830345, Mob: 9818803624.
Email: ptcsoftware@softhome.net