BMSIMUL is a package to simulate the performance of a ball mill and is applicable to different types of mill systems:
The use of the package BMSIMUL can yield rich dividends :
The package BMSIMUL is capable of predicting the entire mill circuit performance which includes the following:
For a dry mill, the following are additionally predicted:
For a wet mill, the following are additionally predicted :
The package BMSIMUL is based on the internationally accepted Distributed Fracture Model wherein the grinding process is described as a sequence of events; each event being described by a distribution function and the number of events occurring per unit time being described by a rate of breakage function (or selection function). The parameters involved in these functions are dependent on the following operating conditions :
The user can study the effect of all the above operating conditions on the performance of the mill circuit. The companion packages CLASANAL and SIZEANAL would be useful along with BMSIMUL for analysis of classifier operation and predicting the particle size distribution of powders at different locations respectively.
: Dr. K. Viswanathan, B-113/2 East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065,
INDIA. Ph : 91 11 26830345,
Mob: 9818803624.