Lecture 1- |
Definitions and General
Nomenclature Employed in Drying Studies and Analysis. |
Lecture 2- |
Residence Time, Material
Filling and Power Predictions for a Rotary Dryer. |
Lecture 3- |
Heat Balance and Fuel
Consumption. Constant Rate and Falling Rate Drying. Gas-Particle
Heat Transfer Coefficient. |
Lecture 4- |
Hot Air Generator Model.
Importance of False Air (or Leakages) Entry and Its Estimation |
Lecture 5- |
Moisture Content, Gas and
Solids Temperature Profiles inside Rotary Dryer for Co-current and
Counter-current Cases. |
Lecture 6- |
Importance of Cooling.
Critical Relative Humidity and Moisture Re-absorption Problems. |
Lecture 7- |
Prediction of Absolute and
Relative Humidities, Dew Point, Fines Carryover Rates and Collection in
Cyclones. |
Lecture 8- |
Rotary Dryer Design
Aspects. Gas Flow Rate, Diameter, Length, Outlet Gas
Relative Humidity, Outlet Solids Temperature. |
Lecture 9- |
Industrial Case Studies.
Hot Country vs. Cold Country. Low CRH vs. High CRH Material. |
Lecture 10- |
Rotary Dryer as Part of
Granulation Plant. Granulator, Cooler, Recycle Heat Balance and
Implications. |
Lecture 11- |
Demonstration of GRAND
and RDSIMUL. |