Particle Size and Shape
Characterization, Distributions, Measurement Techniques, Interconversion and
Prediction of Powder Properties
This is a comprehensive report useful for all
powder production and processing industries, equipment manufacturers,
consultants, designers, researchers and students dealing in powders of any
kind. This report is especially useful to the following industries:
Dairy products
Beverages etc.
Test houses
R&D labs
Educational institutes
Manufacturers of
equipments like:
The report consists of the following chapters:
- Particle size and shape distributions,
standard psd equations like Rosin-Rammler, Monotonic,
Gaudin-Schumann, Normal, Log-normal, Nukiyama-Tanasawa, standard graphs,
equations for fibrous, flaky and volumetric particles.
- Interconversion of distributions and
diameters, expressions for calculating various average diameters and
specific surface area, methods for characterising steepness of powders such
as area-volume characteristic curve, steepness quality factor etc.
- Coulter counter and Microscopy outlining the
underlying fundamentals, theory, calibration and relative merits.
- Sieving, Sedimentation, Elutriation and
Cyclones outlining the underlying fundamentals, theory, calibration and
relative merits.
- Photography and Photosedimentation outlining
the underlying fundamentals, theory, calibration and relative merits.
- Specific surface area measurement by
Permeametry and Adsorption outlining the underlying fundamentals, theory,
calibration and relative merits.
- Shape factors and their distribution,
sphericity, inter-relations, sphericity measurement methods like packed bed
and settling, shape measurement and separation using inclined rotating disc.
- New concepts like psd by WAN
(Weight-Area-Number), psd by WAR (Weight vs. Area), SSA distribution,
differential and cumulative distributions, psd histogram, standard
equations' fitting to raw data and estimation of parameters like
RR-exponent, representative (eg. average) diameters, number per unit volume,
number per unit area etc.
- Particle size analysis software SIZEANAL
incorporating all the features explained in the above chapters including
typical predictions.
- Conclusion.
The various mathematical calculational procedures
are made easy to understand with the help of 47 worked-out examples and actual
particle size distributions of a number of powders from different industries.
These should be extremely useful to operating plants for understanding powder
quality leading to optimisation of equipments producing the same, to designers
for designing optimum equipments, and to engineers and plant operators as an
effective learning/training aid.