Particle size distribution and prediction of
powder properties from your measured data from any one instrument, namely a Sieving set,
Microscope, Coulter counter, Photosedimentometer, X-ray Sedigraph, Laser-based instruments
etc. We provide weight, area and number distributions, all the important particle
diameters like volume diameter, surface diameter, surface-volume diameter, Stokes
diameter, all the important average diameters of the distribution, specific surface area,
steepness quality factor etc. The results are provided using our comprehensive
award-winning software SIZEANAL.
Classifier performance analysis for which
the basic data required are the size distributions of streams around the classifier.
These "raw data" are first "corrected" using a Lagrangian
technique to remove the inherent inconsistencies and then, the "corrected
distributions" are used to estimate the classifier performance parameters namely, the
direct bypass fraction (Rf), cut-particle diameter (d50), sharpness index of cut
(SI) and
the complete Tromp curve. The results are provided using our software
Cyclone performance analysis for which the
basic data required are the principal cyclone dimensions, the flow rates of gas and
solids, solids specific gravity, feed solids concentration, plant elevation from sea level
etc. The predictions furnished by us include the cut-particle diameter of the
cyclone, the complete Tromp curve, the overall collection efficiency and pressure
drop. The results are provided using our software CYCLONE.
Cyclone design for which the required data
are as mentioned in 3. above except the obvious cyclone dimensions! A few design
combinations can be furnished for specific entrance velocities. The results again
are provided by our software CYCLONE.
Fertilizer granulation plant performance
analysis and suggestions for improving throughput, reducing fuel and electrical energy
consumptions, improving quality parameters like moisture content, moisture
due to relative humidity exceeding a critical value depending upon the material CRH, heat
balance validations etc. using our exhaustive software GRAND.
Rotary dryer optimisation and design using
our software RDSIMUL which is one module in the above software GRAND.
We can furnish comprehensive predictions of product moisture content, outlet gas and
solids temperatures, power and fuel consumptions, the complete profiles of moisture
content, gas and solids temperature along the dryer length, entrainment and collection
rates, heat balance tables, absolute and relative humidities and dew points at various
locations etc.
Ball mill circuit analysis and optimisation
using our comprehensive software BMSIMUL .
Hydrocyclone optimisation and design using
our softwares HCYCLONE and CLASANAL.
The predictions would include the direct bypass fraction (Rf), cut-particle diameter
(d50), sharpness index of cut (SI) and the complete Tromp curve for any combination of
hydrocyclone dimensions, feed pressure and feed pulp density.
Raw-mix design and optimisation for cement
industries using our detailed software RAWMEAL, which includes
the prediction of some important kiln operation parameters as well.
Fractional composition analysis to determine
the homogeneity of raw-mix in cement plants using our proprietary software
FRACO. The method involves determination of particle size
distribution (psd) and chemical composition of individual size fractions
of raw-mix. The LSF, SR, AR, Minimum Burning Temperature (MBT) etc. of individual
size fractions would be different and this variability gives clues about raw-mix
heterogeneity and differential grinding in the raw mill which are useful for raw
mill as well as raw-mix optimisation.
Estimation of fan flow rate from known power
consumption and impeller rpm using fan characteristic curves, and mathematical correlation
of fan characteristic curves for ready reference, back-calculation and forecasting.
Estimation of filter efficiency curve and
Filter Micron Rating at different efficiencies (FMR95, FMR99 etc.) from measured particle
size distributions (psd) of feed and product (or collected dust) streams using our
proprietary software FILTER. This is especially useful for
cartridge filters used in process plants.
Mathematical modeling of heat balance
calculation of cement kiln circuit including rotary kiln, pre-heater cyclones,
and grate cooler. This would enable optimisation of heat consumption in the kiln
Study and optimisation of boilers, thermic
fluid heaters, incinerators etc. for optimisation of their operation and design.
Study and optimisation of packed bed,
fluidized bed and spouted bed reactors and dryers.
Study and optimisation of spray dryers
including collection cyclones and dedusting equipment.
Design and optimisation of pneumatic
conveying pipelines, collection cyclones and dedusting equipment.
Powder characterisation advice regarding
particle shape determination and correlation.
Quarry planning including bore-hole
composition data management and analysis, semi-variogram curve estimation, spherical (or
other) model fit, reserve estimation based on inverse square law and kriging.
Multivariable, multinomial equation
determination for forecasting, Theory of Regionalised Variables-based forecasting
(especially for quarry planning), and any other mathematical forecasting services using
our in-house library functions or new developments, if needed.
Technical forecasting which includes data
analysis and determination of the best correlation (or best curve) between any x and y,
where the relation is known to be monotonic (either continuously increasing or
continuously decreasing). The mathematical equation will be determined by the
software GITA. The predictions along with the data shall be
shown on Linear, Log-log and Semi-log graphs.
Sale forecasting for FMCG, pharmaceutical
companies etc. based on past sales figures. The data required will be sales figures
for say 20 weeks which will be used to determine a mathematical relationship using
GITA. This relation will then enable us to forecast sales
figures for future weeks, say 21 onwards.
Mathematical model development for your
specific requirements of process simulation, optimisation and equipment design,
and software development for the above.