CYCLONECYCLONE is a software useful for analysis and optimisation of existing cyclones as well as for design of new cyclones. It considers the effect of cyclone dimensions, gas and solids flow rates, feed solids density, concentration and size distribution, plant elevation from sea level, operating temperature etc. and predicts the following:
The software is
available in two versions : simulation-version and design-version.
In the design-version, the inputs required are:
Based on the
above inputs, the following parameters are predicted:
While the above
design-version is useful to obtain the dimensions, practical
considerations may sometimes dictate slightly different dimensions from those
calculated. Alternately, you may like to choose some dimensions rounded
off to nearest desirable integers. For such cases, simulation-version
would be useful wherein the cyclone dimensions would be entered instead of the
entrance velocity with all other inputs being the same as above.
In the design version of the software, the cyclone dimensions are calculated from a user-specified entrance velocity. For the cyclone so designed, the above mentioned performance parameters are also predicted. The software has in-built database management functions facilitating a record-keeping of all the cyclones designed/analysed. The companion software CLASANAL is useful to determine the cyclone performance parameters d50, Tromp curve, direct bypass fraction and sharpness index of cut from the measured particle size distributions (psd) of feed, underflow and overflow streams. The software SIZEANAL is useful to obtain the psd's themselves. |
: Dr. K. Viswanathan, B-113/2 East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065,
INDIA. Ph : 91 11 26830345, Mob: 9818803624.